[UPDATE 6/26: Apple has released a second iOS 11 beta 2 build labeled 15A5304j following 15A5304i last week. The new version is not available OTA but listed on Apple’s developer portal.]

Following up on last week’s release of the first iOS 11 developer beta, Apple has begun rolling out the second beta. iOS 11 is jam-packed with a ton of features, enough to be packed into our 100+ new features videos.

Developers looking to update to the latest update can do so through their iOS settings or by downloading the beta through Apple’s Developer Center.

We’ll be digging into iOS 11 beta 2 throughout the day, but be sure to catch up on everything we’ve seen thus far with the previous posts below:

  • How to move multiple iPhone Home screen apps icons on iOS 11 using drag and drop [Video]
  • Top 10 QR codes supported by iOS 11
  • Podcasts in iOS 11: Interface updates, support for seasons & cleaner titles, Podcast Analytics, more
  • Health in iOS 11 & watchOS 4: Diabetes management, insulin delivery, CoreBluetooth, new Workout data & more
  • New for Accessibility: ‘Smart Invert Colors’ in iOS 11, macOS onscreen keyboard, text & photo detection for VoiceOver & more
  • iOS 11’s new ‘Smart Invert Colors’ is the closest thing to Dark Mode yet
  • iOS 11 lets you scan a router’s QR code to quickly join a network
  • iOS 11’s new HEIF/HEVC camera formats will save you 50% on storage
  • How to enable screen recording on iOS 11 without a computer
  • App Store now requires developers to use official API to request app ratings, disallows custom prompts
  • iOS 11 allows you to delete rarely-used apps but retain their settings and data
  • Apple opening up (some) access to the iPhone’s NFC chip in iOS 11
  • Easily share your WiFi with friends on iOS 11, automatically sends passwords to nearby devices
  • iOS 11 allows you to play FLAC files, albeit in a clunky way
  • 32-bit apps will not launch on iOS 11
  • iOS 11 brings Next/Previous Track controls to individual AirPods

Apple has announced that a public beta preview of iOS 11 will be out later this month through beta.apple.com. If you’re thinking about installing the beta on your personal device, you’ll want to read this first…

iOS 11 beta 2 Release Notes

If you find anything new in iOS 11 beta 2 that we have yet to discover, let us know in the comments below!


New Features

• AddedAVRoutePickerViewtotheAVKitframeworkandAVRouteDetectortothe AVFoundation framework for enabling users to choose the route for playing content when multiple routes are available. Use AVRouteDetector to determine if multiple routes are available when route detection is enabled. If multiple routes are available, use AVRoutePickerView to present an interface for the user to choose the routes.

32-bit Apps

Resolved Issues

• Selecting Learn More from the prompt after tapping an already installed 32-bit app now opens the Settings App. (32340711)

Known Issues

• Syncing 32-bit apps via iTunes leaves a placeholder for the app. (32356790)

• iOS apps may target iOS 10 or earlier to continue including a 32-bit slice. (31597913)


• 32-bit apps will not run on future betas of iOS 11. (26402174)

3D Touch

• Using 3D Touch with data detectors (phone numbers, addresses, and so on) now works correctly. (30504832)

3rd Party Apps

New Issues

  • Tweetbot may not be able to post tweets containing photos that have been recently taken. (32569113)
  • VSCO may throw an error when importing photos that have been recently taken. (32582234)
  • Square Cash may crash on or shortly after launch. (30926902)
  • Citi Mobile may crash on launch. (31336493)
  • Airplay may not work in some third-party apps. (32819077)
  • KakaoTalk may crash on launch or after typing. (32320793)
  • SlingTV may play back only the audio. (32649488)Resolved Issues• Kindle books now sync as expected. (30878446)

• DirectTV may crash on launch. (29533442) • MobileIron Mobile@Work may crash on launch. (31929650) • Users may be unable to log in to Pinterest using their email address. (31866166)

Android Migration

• Migrating from your Android phone now works correctly. (31816854)

App Analytics

• Non product page view impressions are now captured correctly. (31561060)

App Icons

  • After restoring a device from an iTunes backup, some app icons on the Home screen may appear white. Reboot the device to show the correct app icon. (32303701)

  • The prompt that appears while changing an icon displays a placeholder instead of the alternative app icon image. (32165847)App StoreNew Issues• Promoted in-app purchases do not use the developer-specified sort order. (30877083)Resolved Issues• Apps over 100 MB should no longer download over Cellular connection after acknowledging the warning prompt. (32235051)Known Issues

  • Launching the App Store stops other audio. (32043325)

  • Attempting to run TestFlight without an active AppStore Apple ID results in a login failure. (32230818)

  • After restoring from an iTunes backup, previously offloaded apps do not appear on the Home screen, and must be manually downloaded from the App Store. User data for the app is not affected, and is present when app installation completes. (31968368)

  • After restoring from an iTunes backup, applications may get stuck in a waiting state. (32442832Apple IDNew Issues

  • Some accounts using a phone number as the Apple ID may be unable to add certain payment types. (31677442)

  • Accounts using a phone number as the Apple ID may not be able to create an Apple ID for a child family member. (32130392)Apple PayNew Issues• ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard returns false even when the merchant identifier is valid and appropriate payment methods are available. (32613797)ARKitKnown Issues

  • ContinuingfromabreakpointwhiledebugginganARSessionmayresultinVIObreaking. Any visual objects placed in the world/anchor are not visible. (31561202)

  • ARSessionConfiguration is only supported on iOS devices with an A9 or later processor and will be enabled for all iOS 11 devices in a future beta.

  • ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration is only supported on iOS devices with an A9 or later processor.AVFoundationResolved Issues

  • ThevaluesofthelensDistortionLookupTableand inverseLensDistortionLookupTable properties of AVCameraCalibrationData are now centered properly. The 0 value represents no elongation or shrinkage. (32339695)

  • TheCGImageRepresentationandpreviewCGImageRepresentationmethodsof AVCapturePhoto now return the correct values. For more information, see the documentation. (31392054)

  • AVCapturePhoto now returns the correct result when accessing the fileDataRepresentation property of an uncompressed buffer (420f/420v/BGRA), instead of a TIFF file format representation. (31902960)

  • ThecameraCalibrationDatapropertyofAVCapturePhotoreturnsnilwhen cameraCalibrationDataDeliveryEnabled is set to true, unless you also set depthDataDeliveryEnabled to true. In a future beta, you’ll be able to request dual photo capture and camera calibration data capture and receive wide and telephoto buffers plus the camera calibration data for both (without being zoomed to 2x and delivering depth data to the photo). (32209427)

  • Still capture requests fail and the video stream stops producing a buffer when using the 720p30 video format with the depthDataDeliveryEnabled property of AVCapturePhotoSettings set to true. (32060882)

  • Depthvaluesinthenondefault160x120and160x90depthdataformatsarehalfofthe expected values, and disparity values are twice the expected value. (32363942)BluetoothResolved Issues

  • Connection issues for Bluetooth accessories using Wireless iAP protocol are now more reliable. (31439542)

  • Beta 2 adds full functionality for the LE L2CAP channel feature. (32493297)CalendarNew Issues

  • Buttons for Day, Week, Month, and Year may not trigger on the first tap. Subsequent taps should function as expected. (31883496)

  • After reinstalling Calendar, the icon may be blank until the device is restarted. (31613835)CarPlayResolved Issues• Users should no longer get an error message when selecting Don’t Reply after reading a message in CarPlay. (32099700)CloudKitKnown Issues

  • CloudKit does not support unsigned long long values with the high-order bit set. (30567424)

  • ApplicationsthatuseCKModifyRecordsOperationshouldspecifyanappropriate value for CKModifyRecordsOperation.isAtomic. If your client is compiled against watchOS 4.0, operations enqueued against the default CKRecordZone have new behavior because atomic is true by default. If the operation hits a “preflight” failure (most commonly, a network issue uploading a CKAsset, or a malformed CKRecord), the entire operation is canceled. (30838858)


  • iPad prepaid data plan purchases made on the device may fail on a cellular connection.Workaround: Purchase the data plan while connected to Wi-Fi.
  • Some devices may take up to 30 seconds to connect to a cellular network after restartingor powering on. (32727321)
  • To activate a Sprint Cellular data plan on iPad, open Settings and choose General > Reset > Subscriber Services, enter your password, and select Reprovision Account in the dialog that appears. (32600925)
  • Reader mode utilizing NFC may not function as expected on all devices. (32721033)Control CenterResolved Issues
  • The expanded Wi-Fi UI in Control Center now updates the network name when transitioning between networks. (32280116)
  • The Bluetooth button behavior in Control Center now mirrors that of the Wi-Fi control. (32300000)Core SpotlightResolved Issues• Indexer file dragging no longer fails for both package file types or for files whose URL doesn’t have a matching absoluteString and path. (32354867)Do Not DisturbResolved Issues• Do Not Disturb While Driving is enabled starting with beta 2. (32232545)
  • EventKit
  • Known Issues
  • • Storing data to a non default event store in EventKit may not work. (31335830)
  • Family Sharing
  • New Issues
  • If payment verification is required, Family setup may not launch after the purchase of an Apple Music family membership. (32056496)Workaround: Invite family members from Family Sharing settings.
  • Pending invitations may not show in Family Sharing settings. Family members will appearonce they accept their invitations. (32602074)
  • After sharing iCloud storage with family members, the confirmation screen may not close. (32458127)


• Storing data to a non default event store in EventKit may not work. (31335830)

Family Sharing

  • Sharing your location with family members may not turn on location sharing. (32746961)Workaround: Share your location from Family Sharing settings.
  • When creating an Apple ID for a child, the Terms & Conditions acceptance screen may freeze even though the Apple ID has been created. To use Settings, force quit and then open the app. (32365952)Files AppResolved Issues
  • Quicklook thumbnails provided by QuickLook thumbnail extensions for custom UTI types now show the appropriate thumbnail. (32354934)
  • VoiceOver now interacts correctly with Done, List, and Share buttons when VoiceOver is enabled and a user opens any document in the Recents tab. (32362561)Known Issues• The Files app may not be able to display a QuickLook for iWork documents. (32353448)FoundationNew Features
  • Added support for multipath TCP interactive and aggregate support.The multipathServiceType property of NSURLSessionConfiguration now supports the interactive as well as the aggregate mode on iOS. The interactive mode provides low latency for interactive flows. The aggregate mode increases the throughput by sending over both Wi-Fi and Cellular. The aggregate mode is available only for experimentation and can be enabled in the Developer settings. For more information, see the documentation. (32252152)
  • AddedaschedulingAPItoURLSessionTaskthatallowsbackgroundURLSession clients to schedule tasks in the future, enabling easy background app refresh semantics for apps, watchOS complications, and more. The API also allows developers to update requests before transmission to address cases where the request has become stale when scheduled in the future. Additions include the earliestBeginDate, countOfBytesClientExpectsToSend, and countOfBytesClientExpectsToReceive properties of URSessionTask, and the URLSession:task:willBeginDelayedRequest:completionHandler method of URLSessionTaskDelegate protocol. (27866330)
  • URLSessionTask adopts the ProgressReporting protocol providing a consistent mechanism for URLSession clients to track the progress of URLSessionTask using the new progress property. (30834550)
  • AddedanAdaptableConnectivityAPItoURLSessionthatenablestaskstoautomatically monitor and wait for satisfactory network connectivity, instead of immediately failing with an error when connectivity is unsatisfactory. Additions include the waitsForConnectivity property of URLSessionConfiguration and the URLSession:taskIsWaitingForConnectivity: method of the URLSessionTaskDelegate protocol.

• Added support for HTTP brotli content encoding to URLSession. By default, HTTP requests contain a br value (in addition to gzip and deflate) for the Accept-Encoding HTTP header, informing the web server that the user agent supports brotli encoding. The web server can send an HTTP body with Content-Encoding: br in the HTTP header to indicate that the content is brotli-encoded. URLSession automatically decompresses the HTTP body data and passes the decoded data back to the client in the same way it does for Content-Encoding: gzip. For binary compatibility reasons, URLSession brotli support is enabled only for apps built using the iOS 11 SDK. (27724985)

• Reads and writes on a secure connection that uses the new authenticating HTTPS proxy feature of URLSessionStreamTask now work correctly. (31916868)

  • ThefractionCompletedpropertyoftheProgressobjectreturnedby NSItemProvider does not advance in proportion to the data provider’s progress. (32385051)
  • ThesuggestedNamepropertyofNSItemProviderisnotusedwhenanNSData representation is requested as an open-in-place file. Instead, a temporary file name is used. (32342544)
  • ThevisibilityparameterinNSItemProviderisnotenforced.Allrepresentations are visible to all processes. (32233127)
  • SupportforusingtheStringandURLtypeswithNSItemProviderisabsentinthis beta. (32138540)Workaround: Substitute String and URL with a different type.
  • preferredPresentationSize is not available in this beta. (32501502)HapticsNew Issues• Performing a forced refresh on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus may produce an unexpected pop or sound. (32635793)HealthKitResolved Issues• Attempting to finish a workout route when no location data is inserted no longer throws an exception. (32307523)
  • HomeKit
  • New Issues
  • • Siri may not recognize a HomeKit setup in devices upgraded to iOS 11 beta. (32338077)
  • Workaround: Disable and then reenable the “Press for Siri” option in the settings for Siri, or make a change to a Home, such as creating a room or modifying an accessory name.


• Siri may not recognize a HomeKit setup in devices upgraded to iOS 11 beta. (32338077)

Workaround: Disable and then reenable the “Press for Siri” option in the settings for Siri, or make a change to a Home, such as creating a room or modifying an accessory name.

• When multiple home hubs are configured, there may be issues when attempting to read from or write to Bluetooth accessories. (32578105)


  • After deleting a book purchased from the store, a subsequent attempt to download again may fail. (32775084)Workaround: Open the task switcher by double-tapping the Home button, and force quit iBooks. After relaunching iBooks, download the book from the Purchases list.

  • iBooks may freeze when adding or removing a bookmark in a PDF document. (32625432)Workaround: Open the task switcher by double-tapping the Home button, and the force quit iBooks and relaunch iBooks.Resolved Issues

  • Dropping PDFs and books into iBooks now works correctly. (32328715)

  • Audiobooks now appear in the library after purchasing or after downloading again. (32150156)iCloudNew Issues

• After restoring from an iTunes backup, some users may not be able to authenticate their iCloud credentials during setup. (32721872)

Workaround: After competing setup, open Settings and choose iCloud to complete authentication.

  • When restoring from iCloud Backup in Setup Assistant, you should now see the correct list of backups. (31739878)
  • Some services should now sync correctly on initial iCloud login. (32407057)Known Issues• Device Enrollment Program iPads do not support iCloud backups. (32027587)iTunesKnown Issues

• After installing the beta, users who were logged in to separate iTunes and iCloud accounts may be logged out of their iTunes account and logged in to the same account as iCloud. (32228993)

Workaround: Sign out of iTunes, and then sign back in with your original iTunes account.

Managed Devices

• A user accepting a VPP invitation should now work correctly. (31509239)

  • MDM communication may not work correctly after restoring from a backup. To avoid this, make sure to back up your device after a new MDM enrollment. (32206090)

  • For MDM devices, entering an incorrect Apple ID password the first time during an app installation causes subsequent attempts to fail. Use the MDM install command again to complete installation. (31870510)

  • MDM/VPP apps may become stuck in waiting. (32267165)

  • Unenrolled Managed Devices may re install MDM apps upon restore. (32387929)MediaResolved Issues

  • Elapsed time is now updated when touching play or pause, or when seeking during video content playback. (32065281)

  • Song metadata now syncs correctly with iTunes. This includes play counts, skip counts, and associated timestamps. Smart Playlists that use these criteria, such as Recently Played, do not update. This does not affect Star Ratings or Love/Dislike. (31488141)

  • In Podcasts, selecting a station with multiple episodes may navigate to a blank screen. (32320460)Known Issues

  • When a user revokes an application’s access to Media & Apple Music in Settings > Privacy > Media & Apple Music, the Music User Token is not revoked and can still be used with MusicKit REST APIs. (31932361)

  • SettingthenowPlayerItempropertyofMPMusicPlayerControllerdoesnotwork. (32258814)

  • Music may not accept correctly entered iTunes Credentials. If this happens, sign in to your iTunes account via Settings before going back into Music. (31426701)Deprecations

• requestPersonalizationTokenForClientToken is deprecated in iOS 11. Use getUserTokenFromDeveloperToken instead. In the current build, requestPersonalizationTokenForClientToken returns an error. In a future build, it will return valid music user tokens without requiring a change to your app. (32065560)


  • When testing the new Message Filter app extension feature, if the first incoming message from an unknown recipient is marked as spam by the extension, they are now delivered to the user. (31986503)
  • Messages on iCloud should now be available after a device has been offline. (32224851)Known Issues
  • AttemptingtoinsertanMSMessageusingMFMessageComposeViewController results in a compose window with a blank staging area. (32087732)
  • ThelocalParticipantIdentifierandselectedMessagepropertiesarenilfor an MSMessage of style MSMessageLiveLayout when inserted into the transcript. (31374415)Music appNew Issues• When connected to certain car head units, it may be possible to play back only the first track in the Music library. (31974455)Resolved Issues• Notifications should now function as expected. (32463538)Known Issues
  • • Turning off “Show in my Profile” for a playlist may still show the playlist name and artwork in your profile. (32560995)
  • Networking
  • New Issues
  • • Wi-Fi password sharing and Personal Hotspot sharing on beta 2 don’t work with devices running beta 1. (32500217)
  • Notes
  • Known Issues
  • If a user restores from a backup in which the Notes app is deleted, the app may not work properly after being re installed. (32499971)
  • Under some circumstances, rotating an iOS device may cause Apple Pencil to become unusable. (32020094)On Demand ResourcesResolved Issues• When debugging On Demand Resources, if the target is configured to use asset packs embedded in the Product Bundle, the assets are now found. (32437929)

• Turning off “Show in my Profile” for a playlist may still show the playlist name and artwork in your profile. (32560995)


• Wi-Fi password sharing and Personal Hotspot sharing on beta 2 don’t work with devices running beta 1. (32500217)



  • Phone app should no longer crash when a voicemail message is deleted. (32394726)

  • For certain carriers in certain geographies, some services, such as Voicemail, Messaging, Call Wait, Call Forwarding, and so on, on Wi-Fi calling-enabled devices now work correctly. (32433588)Known Issues• An SOS notification may be sent out even if the user cancels it. (32413903)PhotosResolved Issues

  • Thumbnails in the Photos import view and Image Capture app should now appear correctly. (32318758)

  • RAW+JPG photos imported using the camera connection kit are now imported in the correct format. (32260701)

  • Creating a new Photos or Kaleidoscope Watch Face from the Create Watch face share option in Photos no longer exits unexpectedly. (32011772)

  • AirDrop sharing of Live Photos no longer results in an error when importing to Photos. (31971874)

  • Photos captured on iOS 11 now show the correct orientation on versions of macOS earlier than 10.13. (32311412)Known Issues• Editing a photo in Simulator does not work. (32298353)

  • • Portrait images may change slightly while in Edit mode. (31889782)

  • • Some third-party apps may not fully support HEVC and HEIF. (30292869)PopoverResolved Issues

  • Immediately pressing Home from a popover-enabled app should no longer cause touch to become unresponsive. (32435759)

  • Launching a popover-enabled app from the Dock no longer flashes the popover or the Dock during the launch animation. (32429615)Quick LookResolved Issues

• QuickLookthumbnailextensionscannowaccessthefileURLparameterof QLFileThumbnailRequest inside the provideThumbnailForFileRequest:completionHandler method of the QLThumbnailProvider protocol. (32354934)


  • SFSafariViewController has improved the UI for 3D Touch previews by collapsing the toolbars to show just the domain, and by adding default preview actions. (27222648)

  • iOS 11 adds a new sync system for your Safari Bookmarks and Reading List to provide better syncing and security. Migration to the new sync system occurs silently after all the devices signed in to your iCloud account are running iOS 11. (22936727)New Issues

  • When opening some links in Safari, it is possible to end up in a loop where Safari and another app repeatedly open each other. (32518579)Workaround: Press the home button and switch to another app to break out of the loop, and then force-quit Safari.

  • SafariViewController goes blank when opening multiple tabs. (32337105) Workaround: Move the client into the background and then into the foreground to returnthe view to the previous page.

  • When using WebRTC it may not be possible to route the audio to speakerphone. (32059254)Known Issues• The amount of memory used to load Safari Content Blocker rules has temporarily increased. This may cause your extension to exceed its memory limits. (32330531)Workaround: Use fewer Content Blocker rules until the memory issue is resolved. SettingsNew Issues• The Settings app may crash when adding or deleting keyboards. (32716997)• The Settings app may crash when deleting Podcasts from device storage. (32408313)

  • Resolved Issues

  • The Offload App feature now works for apps that are shipped with the OS. (32283120)

  • Personal hotspot data usage is now included in the cellular data usage UI when the device acts as the host on T-Mobile US devices. (32262043)

  • Storage graph and size information in Settings now updates correctly. (32295963)Known Issues

  • Social accounts have been removed from Settings in iOS 11. Third-party apps no longer have access to those signed-in accounts. (31687059)

  • When installing a profile for the first time, there may be no response after tapping Install. (32249534)Workaround: Force-quit settings and then retry the profile installation.

Setup Assistant

• There is a UI issue affecting Sync on Reset and the Guide User to Backup feature. Users will see that the progress bar appears to stop at 90% even though the data sync has complete successfully. (32715751)


• Added Hindi Dictation to iOS. Both English and Hindi words can be spoken and recognized. Three keyboards (Hindi, Hindi transliteration, Hinglish) are supported. The feature can be turned on by enabling the Hindi, Hinglish, and Hindi – Transliteration keyboards in Settings > General > Keyboards, and pressing the mic button on one of the newly added keyboards. (28833099)

  • Using Siri to disambiguate between multiple phone numbers for a contact sometimes does not work. (32591639)Workaround: Tap a selection in the UI.

  • When there are multiple contacts with the same first name and only the first name is used in a request to Siri to make a call, occasionally Siri places the call without disambiguating the contact. (32112055)Workaround: Include both the first and last name when requesting Siri to call a contact.

  • When there are multiple unread messages in CarPlay, the Read Again button doesn’tfunction until Siri has read all messages so Siri moves on to the next thread. (32620799)Workaround: Wait for Siri to read all messages before tapping Read Again.

  • Siri may confirm that a message has been sent even if it is not sent. (32836568)Resolved Issues

  • Siri results for Weather, Stocks, and Movies queries are now legible. (32327773)

  • Switching Siri’s voice from the Settings screen no longer plays a different voice from the default voice. (32332081)

  • The Lists & Notes domain implementation for non-English languages should now work in the same way as US English. (30457023)Known Issues

  • Added new voices for both genders of Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Dutch, and Swedish. Added new female voices for English and Mexican Spanish, and upgraded the voice for both genders of Japanese and Chinese. (32221950)

  • Added support for translation requests from English US to Chinese, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. (32221937)

  • Weather snippets currently show a sash icon from the iOS Weather app. The snippet should show the icon for The Weather Channel. It is also missing an attribution that opens The Weather Channel app. (31429437)

  • Users may encounter disambiguation issues while using Siri for Phone and Messages. (32477407)

  • Siri UI may not be dismissed automatically from the screen while using Messages with CarPlay. (32428580)

  • The spelling corrections feature provides users with the ability to correct Siri by spelling words when Siri makes mistakes recognizing speech. Spelling corrections can be triggered in the follow up utterances by phrases such as “It is spelled …”, “[No] I said/ meant Akane [spelled] A K A N E”. (28537116)SiriKitNew Issues

  • SiriKit testing doesn’t work in Simulator. (32721342)Workaround: Test SiriKit on a device.

  • Siri can go into an infinite loop when trying certain SiriKit Notes queries to mark areminder. (32398834)Workaround: The following queries work around the issue: • Mark the reminder with [App name].

  • • Mark a reminder as complete using [App name].

  • • Modify a reminder using [App name].• Modify a reminder with [App name].Resolved Issues

  • If the user does not mention the app name in the initial utterance, tapping the app in the disambiguation no longer launches the app instead of other possible Siri actions. (32361047)

  • INImage objects constructed with URLs or image names now display correctly in the Siri UI. (31585381)Known Issues• When a user verbally tries to disambiguate between two or more SiriKit apps in a disambiguation list, Siri opens the app directly instead of asking for permission or for more details. (32188589)UIKitResolved Issues• SettingthedelaysContentTouchespropertyofUITableViewtofalsenowworks correctly and results in cells highlighting immediately on a touchdown event. (27102830)

  • ImportingadocumentusingUIDocumentPickerViewControllernowreturnsa copy of the document. (32358695)

  • In drag and drop, move operations are supported only when the drag and the drop both happen within the same app. Starting in beta 2, the value of UIDropSession.allowsMoveOperation is set to false. (32416557)

  • TheviewargumentofthelocationInView:methodofUIDragSessionand UIDropSession is no longer nullable. The declaration of the method has changed to location(in view: UIView). (31714683)Known Issues

  • UIDocumentBrowserViewController does not show UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController app extensions in the list of sources. While these will be re enabled in a future beta, consider using an NSFileProviderExtension instead, as they are integrated in UIDocumentBrowserViewController instead of being presented in a separate sheet. (31975976)

  • SettingthetextContentTypetousernameorpasswordforUITextFieldinthe previewProvider property of UIDragItem is not fully implemented. During the drag session, each change to the previewProvider causes an immediate update, regardless of which app changed it. In addition, clearing the previewProvider does not cause the preview to go back to its non-overridden state. (30385458)

  • SettingthepreviewProviderpropertyofUIDragItemimmediatelyafterthedrag item is created has no effect. (32284908)Workarounds:Implement dragInteraction:previewForLiftingItem:session: in your drag interaction’s delegate to change the lift preview. The preview carries over to the drag session.Change the preview during the drag session by setting previewProvider after the delegate’s sessionWillBegin is called. If you are using UITableView or UICollectionView, there is no direct equivalent of that method, so you may use a delay instead.

  • ThecanLoadObjectsOfClasses:methodofUIDragDropSessionwillberemoved in a later seed. Use canLoadObjectOfClass: instead. (32242367)

  • When dragging more than five items, the drop/cancel animation uses a default animation. The system calls the dropping/canceling preview calls for the first five of these items, even though they are not used. In a later beta, the system will not make these calls, and instead provides an additional API for animating alongside items for which a custom animation cannot be applied. (32299785)

  • DonotusetheclassUIURLDragPreviewViewbecausewillberemovedinalaterbeta. To make drag previews of URLs, use UIDragPreview and UITargetedDragPreview. (32306613)

  • Table views in Interface Builder documents compiled with Xcode 9.0 may have fixed heights for rows, section headers, and section footers, and may not self-size by default. (32188814)Workaround: Set the table view rowHeight, sectionHeaderHeight, or sectionFooterHeight to UITableViewAutomaticDimension after the table view has been instantiated.

  • UITableView has a new system gesture for quickly selecting rows. A two-finger tap on table views that support multiple selection sets the table view to editing, if it is not already, and selects the tapped row. Unlike a single-finger tap, which toggles selection, the two- finger tap always selects the tapped row and has no effect if the row is already selected. This new gesture is enabled only in apps built for iOS 11. (29127664)

  • UITableView has a new property, separatorInsetReference, that changes how a custom value set in the separatorInset property is interpreted. By default, the value is .fromCellEdges, which means that custom separatorInset values are always interpreted as an inset from the edges of the cell, even in cases where table view would normally use larger automatic insets for the separator, such as a very wide table view when the cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth property is true.Set the separatorInsetReference to .fromAutomaticInsets to use the separatorInset as a fixed distance from the automatic inset that a table view would normally use.Note that you can always use UITableViewAutomaticDimension for any edge of the separatorInset that you set, to receive the automatic inset on that edge. (31000402)

  • Table views now use estimated heights by default, which also means that cells and section header/footer views now self-size by default. The default value of the estimatedRowHeight, estimatedSectionHeaderHeight, and estimatedSectionFooterHeight properties is now UITableViewAutomaticDimension, which means the table view selects an estimated height to use. You should still provide a more accurate estimate for each property if possible, which is your best guess of the average value of the actual heights. If you have existing table view code that behaves differently when you build your app with the iOS 11 SDK, and you don’t want to adopt self-sizing, you can restore the previous behavior by disabling estimated heights by setting a value of zero for each estimated height property. (30197915)

  • AddingcustomsubviewsdirectlytoUITableViewisnotsupportedandmightbreakina future iOS release. (29094519)

  • The behavior of the delete swipe action has been changed.When implementing commitEditingStyle: to delete a swiped row, delete the row in the data source and call deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: on the table view to show the swipe delete animation. Not calling deleteRowsAtIndexPaths inside of this method results in the swiped row resetting to its resting position. Do not display a confirmation dialog in the implementation of this method, and support undo to allow canceling a deletion. To show a confirmation dialog, use a UIContextualAction instead (described next).

When implementing a destructive UIContextualAction, delete the row in the data source and call the completion handler with true. Do not call deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: in this case. If the deletion fails, call the completion false to cancel the deletion. Although it should generally be avoided, you can show a confirmation dialog to confirm the deletion, and then call the completion handler with true if the user confirms (after deleting the row from its data source), or with false if the user cancels. It is also advised to disable performsFirstActionWithFullSwipe on the UISwipeActionsConfiguration in this case. Note that the completion handler must be called in all cases. (31588888)

  • When the user selects one of the Accessibility Larger Text content sizes as their preferred content size, UITableViewCell uses a new default layout that is optimized for the larger sizes. The numberOfLines property of UITableViewCell labels (both textLabel and detailTextLabel) changes to 0 (unlimited) by default when the Accessibility content sizes are in use. You may override this by explicitly setting the numberOfLines property. The standard image view and accessory views are aligned with the first line of text in the cell, and cell text wraps around the image in order to maximize the amount of text displayed per line. For the Value1, Value2, and Subtitle styles, the detailTextLabel is arranged underneath the standard textLabel. For UISwitch accessory views, the switch is located below the labels and aligned with the leading edge of the text. Because of these changes, which increase the height of the cell content at Accessibility content sizes, it’s important to use self-sizing cells to ensure that the row height increases as necessary, and to avoid using a fixed row height for all content sizes. (28102750)
  • TheimageNamed:inBundle:compatibleWithTraitCollection:classmethod of UIImage now properly infers the UIDisplayGamut trait if it is not explicitly provided.If you are deploying to earlier versions of iOS, to provide the UIDisplayGamut trait in the trait collection, you pass to imageNamed:inBundle:compatibleWithTraitCollection:. You can obtain the correct value of this trait from the window or view that will display the image. Failing to provide the value can result in images failing to load on devices with P3 displays if the sRGB renditions of those images had been thinned out of the asset catalog. (29915518)
  • UINavigationItem.searchController appears only for view controllers that use a UIScrollView. (32511772)Workaround: Set UINavigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling to false.
  • By default, UIKit logging occurs only when unsatisfiable constraints are detected. Use the
  • UIConstraintBasedLayoutThrowExceptionOnUnsatisfiableConstraints
  • launch argument to add an assertion for early detection of the problem. The launch argument works in iOS 11 and later. (28123998)
  • AUIViewthatmakesvisualchangesbothbyoverridingdrawRect:andbysettingthe layer contents may result in visual artifacts or other errors in iOS 11. Apps should use only one of the methods to make visual changes to a view. (31350188)


launch argument to add an assertion for early detection of the problem. The launch argument works in iOS 11 and later. (28123998)


  • TheRectangleTrackerAPIshouldshouldnolongerstoprespondingunexpectedly. (32332200)

  • The Vision API is now available from the macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 SDKs even if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set to a version earlier than the current OS.Known Issues• Facial landmarks identified by the Vision framework may flicker in temporal use cases such as video. (32406440)watchOSNew Issues

  • Pairing an iPhone running a beta of iOS 11 and an Apple Watch running a version of watchOS earlier than 4.0 may fail. (32587160)Workaround: Attempt to pair the Apple Watch again.

  • In the Watch app, changes to Mail > Include Mail are not saved. (32553544)Resolved Issues

  • On an Apple Watch running a version of watchOS earlier than 4.0, location activity now correctly sets the location arrow in the status bar or in Settings. (31496053)

  • watchOS email alerts now use the configured settings. (32332614)\

Changes we’ve discovered in iOS 11 beta 2 thus far

  • New orange color seen in Messages Echo effect (Thanks secDJ!)

  • New search options within Apple Music

  • External locations are now seen in Files

  • Do Not Disturb While Driving is enabled in beta 2

  • You can now select multiple items in Photos (similar to selecting multiple home screen icons)  (Thanks Rida Rais!)