Apple is set to bring Apple Pay, its mobile wallet service, to China using a partnership with China UnionPay. @KhaosT on Twitter found references to the credit card type in iOS 8 code and now MarketWatch is corroborating with sources that a deal is in the works.

Apple announced Apple Pay as a US only service, coming to iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in October with a software update. A deal with UnionPay would obviously mean Apple wants to bring the feature to Chinese iOS customers soon.

The code snippet clearly shows support for China Union Pay credit card has been in the works for a while. Marketwatch’s report confirms a deal is underway. Apple Pay is also destined to work on the Apple Watch, in some form, when that product launches in early 2015. It appears the device will use skin contact as evidence of identity.

@bzamayo Apple seems also in discussion with China UnionPay for Pay

— Khaos Tian (@KhaosT) September 10, 2014